Steering Committee

The Parish elected Steering Committee for the Grand Fest 2009. The Annual Grand Feast of the Shrine falls on the third Sunday after Easter (2009 May 2, 3). The feast of St.Joseph, the Universal Patron is observed here. This is one of the most significant church festivals of Kerala.The Novena starts with the feast at St.Antony's Chapel, just in front of the shrine. After the holy mass at the chapel, the flag having the holy picture of the St. Joseph is hoisted on the metal pillar (this is known as Kodimaram) and it marks the beginning of the feast. Rev Fr. Vicar hosts the flag on 24th April 2009 at 7.30am after the Holy Mass at the Chapel. Special ceremonies are observed on all Nine days.
Members :

1. Jerome Babu, Mob: 9447831881
2. C M Sebastain, Mob: 9447831952
3. K D Jose, Mob: 9288187887
4. K J Varghese, Mob: 9349868507
5. P K Johny, Mob: 9747827892
6. Savior Arakkal, Mob: 9447225489
7. PK Jhonson, Mob: 9946249213
8. VK Joseph, Mob: 9846701081

Vicar, Asst. Vicars, All trustees, and Pastoral Council Secretary and Family Council Co-ordination committee president are also Members of the committee.


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