St. Thomas Chapel, Peringadu.

Now Pavaratty has one Station Chapel; St. Thomas Chapel, Peringadu. The Chapel came up tas a wish- fulfillment of the ‘Sinior members’ of the locality to part take in Holy Mass at least on Holy days. The foundation stone for the Chapel; was laid in 1975. The enthusiasm and spiritual fervor rendered speed to the construction and within a year the completed Chapel was blessed (1976). Holy Mass is offered on all Saturdays, Sundays and the other Holy days.St. Antony’s Chapel, Peruvallur.There was only one station Chapel (Quasi- Parish) within the boundaries of Pavaratty Parish; St. Antony’s Chapel, Peruvallur. It was founded in 1933 and handed over to the Shrine. Since then the Chapel has rendered significant service to the people of the village. Later in 1971 the station Chapel was raised to the status on an independent Parish. But even after, no cemetery was granted to Peruvallur and it was only recently that they could complete the construction of cemetery there.


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