The feast on march 19 Maranathirunal

We commemorate the last day of St.Joseph, in the lent on March 19th. The celebrations began with an individual endeavour by Olakkengil John who conducted candle procession from Venmenad to the shrine. Now the day is celebrated in a large scale. It is a day of togetherness and fraternity with the people of neighbourhood. In the evening about a dozen well decorated chariots, (Theru) bearing ornamented statue of St.Joseph are brought in procession from different sides of the parish giving joy to all who gather.CHARIOTMini-lorries are usually used for forming chariots. The statue of the saint will be placed at the center and around it a rich brilliant illumination of varying colours add sublimated halo to the statue. Such chariots are brought with jubilations, crackers and bands to the shrine on March 19th


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